Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding siisfwftle/ of S'in. him (peak. So thou man or woman, fhouldeft have thy heart dead in other things, and have nomind to fpeak, yet when you f wretched men and women ftrike at Cod, (as they do, as I have (hewed in their fin) ifthou have anyheart in the world, any life in the world, when thou feet, this'ftroke at God, now (peak; Oh that fhould burft all bars afunder. Though thou beeft never fo meek in thy Familie, and canfi bear other things, vet thoufhouldef; flew that thou canft not bear fin againft Cod, Oh I be- leech youconfider this, and fee how neer this comes to you Now many ifany thing bedonc in your Familie againft you, or among your neighbors that is againft you, you cannot bear it ; but you can bear that which is donc againft God, and never be troubled at it. As many a Matter, let theServant negle& his work, and difpleafe.him, he cannot bear it ; but let his Ser- vant be wicked, andbreak the Sabbath, denie God his time, let his Servant perhaps fwear, or do fuckwickednefs, he goes away and faith it maybe,` Why do you fo ? or, you fhould not do fo; or it maybe, takesno notice of it : Cer- tainlie that manknows neither God nor fin, or bath little relation toGod that takes Co little notice ofthat done againft God ; and yet that done againft himfelf, he cannot bear it. Take this along with you, If you have anie relation to God, your hearts will be more troubled for the wrong done to God by your Childrenand Servants, than when your (elves are wronged 1 by your Servants or Children. Oh howmanie S men