Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

IQ6 The Evil ofEvils, Or the ¡ men and women would go and wring their I .hands to their neighbors and friends, Oh ! ne- ver man or woman fo miferable as I ! my own Childout ofmy bowels wrongs me, and doth what hurt he can tome ! this is accounted mat- ter of bitter:lamentation But now why fhould not thy heart melt and lament when thou canfr fay, Oh theChild out of myLoins andBowels, howdoth he wrong the blelfed God of all the world.? Oh that I fhould be fo mifcrable to bear in my Bowels one anEnernieto the infinite bleffedGod ! Oh that anEnemie toGod fhould ever come out of my Loins ! My thinks this fhouldmove tenderhearted Mothers,to fee that they fhould bring forth fuck that mould go on in waies ofenmitte againft God himfel£ Sup- pleone out ofyour Bowels fhould : be a Traitor to the Parliament, and do inifchiefto the State, would not this trouble you,that one out of our Bowels fhould be a Traitor to the, Common- wealth ? this would be a grievous vexation.. Now is it not more ifthat thou haft a wicked Child, oneout ofthyBowels that ftrike at God, and is a Traitor to the God of i?.eaivcn ? thefe domore mifèhiefthan todeftroy awhol Nation; I fay, ifa man fhould live todeftroy, to undo a. whol Land for theiroutward ef}ate, there were not fo much evil in it, as in one fin againft God. You would fay, that were a Mifcreant that fhouldbe born toundo a whol Nation, and wo tome that I fhouldbear one that fhould live to do fuchmifchief to undo a State : Now if thou bear one that ftrikea-againfl; God, and wrongs God,;