Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulneß of Sin. fC7 God in waies offin, this fhould trouble thee as much as the other : thereforenever be atquiet till thou fee force work of race, till thou fee theheart ofthy Child called in. I remember ,Fngu/litre faith this of his Mother, and I pro- pound this for Mothers example, he being verie vrieked a while, and his Mother godlier Oh it grieved her heart that íi_e fhould have a .Child goon in finch wickednefs againft God, and fife praidand wept, fo that Au:inc faith ofher, after God hadenlightened his eyes to confider what the did for him., faith he, I pesftraeettry f if M'otÍ rr didas ra:tc. f,ib'r, anilendure ae Iniickpain f r tie " , r"rth, i6S everfer Noy ,Çr(l ET7°: J : this is hip of her, that by her prayers and tears for her ChildsSalvation that was wicked, he did verdie beleeve it colt her as much labor for the fecond Birth, as for the lira.: upon which,when the comes and complains toitfeahrg e of her Child, well faith he, Et of good coa'fsrt, fitrely a Sonoff ò wiry prayers and tearscan hardly pe- ! rijh, and hee.did not indeed, for he proved a worthie Inftrument ofGodsGlorie afterward in the Church. Now is thereanie Mother in this Congregation that can fay, I have labored as much, and it bathcolt meas much pain for the fecond Birth ofmyChild, as ever it did for the fire? Certainlie did you know what fin were, andhow againft God, it would colt you a great deal oftravail whenyou feeyourChildrenwic- ked, andmuch prayer and colt, that you might not have a ChildanEnemie toGod, a Traitor to the Crown,Scepter,and Dignitic ofjefusChrift. ., S 2 Oh