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Exceeding Sinfùlneßof sin. io9 e c-e,``? e ÷ ée^ eaÿs Y!r e. CHAP. XXI. A SeventhCoroIlarie.] ifSin bath doze this,,#Kch , ogairjI God, then all that are now converted had need donruci? fir God. SEvcnthly, Another is this, If Sin have done fo muchagainfl: God, and fo much wronged God, hence it follows, That all th.efe that have heretofore lived in afrtrfklrosy, andGod bath now beenpleofèd to enlighten them, andworljupon their hearts,, had need now do touch for God : Th is follows cleerly, thou didit heretofore live in waies offn, and what did it thou do in all this ? Nothingbut ffrikeat God, and wrong God ail that time ofthy Natural Eftate, till God opened thine eyes, and awakened thy confcience: Oh 'think nowwhat a deal ofwrong have i done to God all my life, if I have done nothing elfe ? weil, now God opens thine eyes, Oh now thou had need to domuch for God. If God have {hewedhimfeif, and given hopes ofmercie, and that he hath pardoned me; this will certainly ;prevail with any heart that God hath turned f What ! have i done fo much againft God here tofore i Oh I have caufe to feek the honor of `God uponmyhands and feet all mydaies,that if I candoanything for God : What ! I filch a vilewretch, and yet out ofHell ! yea, and-hope to