Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

YIO lie Evil of'Erril.r, Or the to bepardoned ! Oh any thing I can do for him, though tocreepuponmy hands and feet all nay dales in this world, to fuffer all the hard(hips in the world, fhame, lofs of etate, any thingg in the world ; no matter how great and hard the fuffering be that God calls for. There is infiniteReafon I flould do and fuffer all for God, for I have wronged God by fin,and thus we (hall turn fin to graceas it were, andof Poyfonmake anAntidote againft poyfon, by ta- king advantage by fin to bemore obedient un- to God. You that have been fwearers and wronged God that way , now fan6tific Gods Name the other way : You that have broken fo many Sabbaths, now fam')ifie Sabbaths: true, all that you cando cannot make up thewrong, but that will {hew thy good will, that thouwilt do what thoucant, and manifeft toGod and all the world,That ifthou badit ten thoufandtimes more ftrength than thou haft thou couldeft lay it out for God; and certainly any man or wo- man that have beengreat linnets, if God have humbled them and pardoned them, theywil be great Saints for the time to come : Carry this home with you, any that have been vile, per - haps you thinkyouhave grace becaufe you are not fo vile as heretofore, you have been ; but certainly ifyou have grace, there will be a pro. portionablenefs between the holincfs of your Iives now, and your wicked life before; you will take advantage, I havewrongedGod fo be- fore, now Penult live thus and thus : It will be fo betweenman and man, ifone have wronged you-