Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

'ThII make the evil offin rightly under, flood. Certainly there's an evil in fin beyond what the largeft Created Un- derflanding is able to fadam, fin being one of thole things which can never be punifhed enough which appears in that all thofe unfpeakable, unfufferable torments infliaed upon the damned through all Eternity, isbut acontinual paying this faddebt, and giving ,fatisfa.- âion to Divine Juflice for the wrong which finhath done, in regard Divine juflice l'hall not othérwife fufficiently in timehave taken it's dueout ofthe fin, ner. Now the judg of all the world °who is the Standard .of juflice it felf, neither can, nor will do any wrong to his Creature in punifhing it more than it's iniquity deferves. Ikeader I than fay no m.orc now, but befeech the Lord to carry home thefeTruths by his Spirit into thy bo, fom that there may be a Divine preffion made upon thy heart in reading, tutable to the Authors in preaching, and To the 7,,ader.