Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

E'xctedíng sínfulné_fs' of sin. i3 per offin inour hearts we aremore weak and more unable tobear : becaufe we be fore, and have boyls offin ; this makes Coda wrathmuch moredreadful ; but it was not fowithChrift. 3 Chrfi had abfolute perfect Patience, there was not the lee impatiency in Chrift : therfore when Chrift that had pperte& Patience, and yet did thus cryoutand'fweat, and was thus forrowful under it, furely therewas Tome fearful burden in this. Somemenand womenwill lie and roar out under forne pains, and it maybe it is great, but had they perfe& patience, they would not make fuch dolor and out-cries : it is through the weaknefs oftheir Patiencethat they make fuch out-cries, andmanifeft fuch fenceof their of li&ion. But Chrift made not fuch out-cries through impatiency. Confider, Chrifihad theftrengthof an infinite Deity tofupporthim : Behadthe ftrengthofCod, he was Godand Man, hehad the ftrengthofthe Nature to fupport the Humane Nature which noCreature canhave as Chrift had 5 for there was an 1-lypoftatical union between the Divine andHumane Nature at that time, and yet notwithftanding the HEpoftatcal union of both Natures, yet Chrift expreffeth himfelf thus, and is thus fenfible of the Wrath upon him for the fin ofMan. 5 Confider, chrit was the Captainofall that were to fatter hereafter : and therfore he:would if e hadhadno more Uponhim than that "which the humane Nature could have born, have manife fted (one would think) abundance ofRefoluti- on