Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

134 Th: Evil of ntilr, Or the on andMagnanimity, and not havecriedout fo : and furely had there not been the fuffering of the Wrath ofthe Deity, and the Curie of the Law init; certainlyhe that was the Captain of all that were to fuffer, he would have manifes tied it to be a light burden he met withal; for bemany Martyrs have-futferedoutward- ly as great Extremities as ever Chrift did, for outward torture , and born them with joy ; therfore feeíng the Martyrs many ofthem fuffe- ring greater tt,rtures to their bodies, and have born them wt 3 hJov ; no forrow4norcrying out, My God. my God, why haji t' off [[rf<Ien me ? nor, it it bepo'fbe,let ibis cup pars, but endured them with a great deal ofJoy. Now how conies it topars that theMartyrs did hear themwith fuch joy:; andChrift theCaptain of them all falls to the Earth, and cries out fo ? Certainly there was more inChrifls fufferings than in all the fuffe- rings in the world, moreof the difpleafure of God. 6 Confider, That it was through the firength of Chrifi that all that ever didfuffer were inabled tofuffer what they did undrgo. Now if Chrift had that firength, that through himall theMartyrs were inabled to fuffer what they did ; certainly Chrifi had abundance of firength in himfeif to fuffer when he carne to it : How comes it to pafs thenthat the flrength whereby they were inabled to fuffer being from Chrift, they mani- fefled not that horror and trouble that Chrift himfelfdid ? Certainly therefore Chrift fuffe- rcdothermanner ofthings than theydid. 7 Con-