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Exceeding Sinfulnef of Sin. 7 Confider this, Chrifl' didknowwhat an infinit goodhisfuffering r woulddo : that by fuffering be fhould fave fo many thoufands, reconcile God and man, glorifie his Father, that he fhoulddo thegreateft work for God andhisFather that e- ver was; that byhis fufferings there fhould be that workdone thatihouldbe matter ofeternal praife, and Hallelujahs oftheSaints andAngels eternally in the Heavens : And yet though Chrifi knew and underftood what good fhould be done byhis fufferings, yet fee how fenfible he was ofthe greatnefs ofit. One would have thought the good he faw to be done fhould much have lightened it ; and fo-certainly it did. 8 Confider, chrifi didknow°hirfufrings were to continuebut a litlewhile; though they were extream, yet that they.P7:1(11,1.11butfir a fewhours, and then he fhouldbeglorified. And yetthoughhe didunder- {land his fufferings were to la{t but a fewhours, and thenhimfelffhould come to glory ; yet for all this they were thus hidious anddreadful to him. Oh Lord, then how hidious thallthe fuf- ferings ofthedamned be to them, when as eve- ry damned foul that goes to Hell, knows cer- tainly how he muff lie to all eternity; after thoufands_ofthootfands, and ten thoufandmilli ons ofyears; after fomany thoufands ofyears as therebe drops in thofe mightyWaters which you fail over; yet the time is no more expired than the very firfi moment they enter'd into thofemiferable torments. Confiderof this thus you that have to do in the