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Exceeding, Sinfill/les'of Sin. VAWA_ PAWAALAAt fiffift444iiii+ 35 CHAP. VII. Sin in it felfoppo/'te to Gad, (hewed in five things, 1. Nothing cliredly contrary toGodbutfin : 2. God r,8n1dceafe to be God ifbut one r'rnp *pin in Him: 3. sinfooppofitet& God that heceaf to beGod ifHe didbut clufe f n to be in another 4. Hefh uldceafe to beGod ifhefhouldbut approve it in others : 5. Sin would caafie God to ceáfe to be, ifbe didnot hate fin asmuch as he loth. FIrff, That fin in it felf is anofi oppofite to God. To underffand this, take there five things; and they rightly underfood will make it as deer as the Sun at noon day. 1 The Nature of fin is fo oppofite to God, that there is nothing fo contrary to Him as fin God hath nothing but fin contrary to him (take it fo) therfore it muff needs be oppofite ; for God hath nothing contrary to His own Nature but fin, it is theonly contrary, theonly oppoft to God. There is nothingperfec`lly contrary to another, but it is fo contrary as there is nothing but that which is focontrary as that is; for that is the rule ofContraries, that there muff be one to one : there may be diverfity anddifference of many things toone ; but anabfolute perfec? Contrariety, can be only ofone toone. Now there is nothing contrary to Gods Nature but I 2 only