Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

The Evil of Evils) or the-, only fin ; God hath no öbjeft thathe can look upon contrary to himfelf in all the World, but only fin : For there is nothing elfe except fin, but it is from God, and by God, and for God : Now that which is from Him, and by Hine, and for Him, cannot have contrarity to Hitn : but Sin is neither from Him, nor by Him, nor for Him; but that is direHy contrary unto him therfore there is more evil. inSin than in any o ther thing. hisnot fo with Affaierion, Affliction is from God, and byGod, and for God,and is not contraryuntoGod, becaufe it is from, Himfelf 2 Sin is fo oppofite to God, that if it were poilible that the leaf{ drop of it could get into Gods Nature, God would inftantly ceafe tobe a God, He could not continue onemoment to be a God any longer; Inch evil there is in fin. Tf there fhouldbe fuch a Poyfon, that ifonedrop ofit fl-ould come into the Ocean, all the whol Ocean would be at an inflant poyfoned; yea, all deftroyed andanihilated in one inffant ; you would fay that were a very fearful Poyfon. a dropofPoyfon should be fopoyfonful, that if one drop ofit got into Heaven, that then prep fently the Sun,Nloón, and Stars would fal down andbe anihilated; yoia would fay this were venemous Poyfon. Certainly if but one drop of fin thould get into God, the in1;niteBeing of Cod would infrantly ceafe to be The Sea, though vair is not infinite ; the Heaven, though vaft, is not infinite ; the infinite God would have no fLing at all iflin Ii mid get intoGod therefore it is veryevil : '1 berlorc Ç al!o,)- wve ou ht