Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Ammo 168 A grieiox fririt, fling for thy firoke too. What e Wilt thou aÇQ have thy blow at him r And, what thou, for whom the Lord hath donefach great things ? As Cs; it fäid toBrutas when in the Senat-hoafe the Senators had wounded himwith many fore wounds, andBrutti he comes al- fo for his ilroke ; Whereupon Csef.r lookes on him , and fayes to him 'What . and thou ,rny Tonne Brutus too Conceiveas if thou fawefl the Lord looking on thee , and laying thus to thee, when thou venturefl upon any finfull way upon the example of others. But in what parti;_ulars ihou'd wee rnaaife& this clzoyceneífe ofour 'pi tits in waves differing from others .Anfiv In thefe elp vial ly: . In felfe denial! : Thew that youcan deny youropinions, your d&fires, your wills, thoughyouhave a ft ongmind to'a thing,though youhave fit oppor- Í tunities to enjoy your delires, yet if you fee Godmay havemoe ho<<oura- nyother way, you can freely and rea dilywithout difturbancc, without vex- ing yeeld 5 and doe not deceive your Pelves