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Glel:Converfation. needs be a high railed Converfation. As now for inflance, 3. In theperfonat union of our natures with thefecund Perfoa îrs Trinity : Oh how fhould this raife upour hearts and we fhould manifeft the elevationofour fpirits in onr Converfations, fo as it becomes thofe that may expect great things fromGod, furely that God that bath honored our natures fo, as to be perfonally united tohis Son, he doth intend great things to fame of the children of men, as now, Suppofe you that are the pooreft and meaneft here in this Congregation, you had a Sifter that were married to the greatell Emperor in theworld, yea, to one that were Emperor ofall the whol Earth ; now you would think to live another kind of life than you did before, were it befee- ming fuch a man to live now upon fcraping of Chanels, or wiping of horfe heels, (or any mean imployment,) when his Sifters is married to the only Monarch of all the who! earth,fure- ly he may think now, I muff live at a higher rate, for I may ex- pea fomething by this : So fhould every one of the childrenof men think thus, indeed I have liv'd in a mean bale way, the humane nature ofmine bath been bafely fubje& to filthy lulls, all my daies, I have been a bondflave to fin and Satan, but when I come to hear of the gofpe!, I hear that the fecond Perfon in Trinity, God bleffed for ever, equal with the Father, that is the Heirofall things, that he bath not marriedmy humane na- ture, but bath taken it into a perfona! union with himfelf, and is become my kinfman, my neer kinfman, hath taken this into the neereff union as is pofíible ofa creature to be taken into withGod : Oh let us be railed then in our thoughts, to think, .furely .God intends higher things for force of the children of men, than to eat and drink, and fatisfie the flefh, and be brutifh here in the world, there are higher things that God will do for mankind, and why not for me ? I am not excluded no more than others ? It was a fpeech I remember of Seneca, (though a Heathen) I am greater (faith he) and I am born to greater things than to be a flave to my body : AHeathen could fay fo : Oh but when we hear of humane nature fo advanced and enthroned in Chriff, we fhould think with our felves, that any one that bath humanity in them is born to higher things, than to make provifion for the Beth to fulfil the lulls thereof U z ghat