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Gofiel-Converfation. i as muchhinder the defigne that God bath in the world as any men whatfoever,thou flandefl againfl thegreat works that God bath to do in the world, Oh wretch that thou art, what is this a time to be loofe and wicked in ? There was nevera time that the Converfations of the profeffors of Religion were fo pried into as now, and never a time fince Chriflian Religion was profeffed upon the earth that the loofe Converfation of Profeffors have done mote hurt ; and Iverily beleeve never a time wherein there were more loofe Profeffors. Iffo be that our fore-fathers that were godly andholie, and kept flric} with God were now alive again, they would fpit in the faces ofma- nie thatwould think themfelves eminent Profeffors of Religion, becaufe of the loofenefs of their Converfations : And this is the worfl, that they can all put it upon Chrifl, and the Do- orineofChrifl : but of that we fhall fpeak more whenwe come to fhew how our Converfation mull be as becomes the Gofpel of Chrifl : Certainly it is that that is quite oppofite to the Gof- pel ofJefus Chrifl. The Lord rebuke thee this day, and let this point be as a dart in thy liver, thou art the man that livefi in this generation as if thou west born to domifchief; nomen live fo as if they were born to do mifchief as the Porfeffors of the Gofpel that live looflie in their Converfations : If ./t fhould give a mark of a man that were born on purpofe to do mifchief, it's that man that lives its thefe times and walks looflie. What, doefl thou convince wicked men, and flop the mouthes of wicked men ? Oh no, thou hardeneff them, and openefl their mouthes, nay, all the fcornsof Religion thou art char- ged with, and (halt be brought to an account for it; I fay "fuch as live looflie in their Converfations they (hall be one day charged for ail the fcorn that is cafl upon the profeffion ofReligion, and for all the oppofition ofit, and for all the perfecution of it, and for all the difhonor ofit ; it is becaufe ofyou,, youharden the hearts ofwicked men, that they think . they do God good fervice in following and perfecutingfuch and fuck men fo forward in Religion; for they think they are all like to you;, what, care they for mens talking and profeflï- onwhen they fee your Converfation loofeand wicked, there- fore they be hardened by you ; and the Saints they fare the E worfe