Burroughs - BS2705.4 B87 1653

THE CONTENTS. Page our own hands to keep 54 4 Are delivered from the haz, zard of eternal mifcarrying ibid 2. As theLaw was in themini- ftration of it by Mofes 47 Given under low promifes. ibid I 2 Their Ordinances mean 48 3 Their burden great ibid 4 The adminifiration terrible ibid 5 Their fJirits fervile ibid But under the C3ofpel. I Our Covenant if better 48 2 Our Wotfbip more f iritual 49 3 Ouryoke, more care 50 4 We have =Tel; with boldnes to the throne ofgrace ibid 5 We have glee jlirit of 'Idop. 'ion ibid 3. It mutt be futable to what the Gofpel holds forth 55 z What the Gof7el Herein holds forth j confider 2 Hotu tofateour Con- verfations according. +1 z TheGofpe! holds forth, 1. The infinite love of God to mankind 53 2 love in us becomes this love , ofGod 541 SERMON IV. 2. The willingnefaof God to Page be at peace with man 63 z When we were enemies to Him 64 2 We were under bis power. ibid 3 Hehad noneedofus ibid 4 He begins the wror&ofrecon- ciliation ibid 5 It colds Him very dear ibid 6 He will never be at enmity with us again 65 This cals us to love peace, ib. 3 The infinite mercy of God to rriiferable creatures 69 It (Mould work mercy in us. 7o 4 He is merciful in fucv a way that jujiice is not wronged 74 It fhould warn us fieli, not to turn the grace of God into wanronnefs 75 To bejufl inour Converfation 5 What a high pricehe feu p on the Law. 78 SERMON V 6 Gods infinit hatred offin 80 It should move us to hate ít.82 7 Thegreatprice offouls 85 It fhould teach us, z To fet a highprice upon our fouls 86 2 Not topollute themwith fin 88 The great bcnor Godbathput Sup on human Nature above 4n- gels 89 1 In