Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Golpel eint ion. but freegrace can do megood; my Confcience tells me hove Ihave abufed thisgrace,lhave prefumed onfin becaufe of this, I have made the thoughts Ihadofthisgracea means to further me in fin ; and now with what face can Igo tofeekjhis graceandmer- cy ? thefe will be ftinging thoughts to thee another day ; when a Minifter shall come to apply the grace ofGod to thy foul,thou wilt fay there is mercy with God to pardon fanners, but not for tho{'e , that have abufed the grace of God as I have done ; e/TIanaffeh, and Paul, 'tis true, they committed many great fins ; but did they ever commit any fin upon this ground, in hope of pardon ? O look unto it, let none go out from the pretence of the Lord this day, with thoughts to venture on fin, becaufe ye hope it may be pardoned ; to ven- tureon fin on that ground, is the molt horrible curfedeft thing that c be. Tenthly, "'tenthway ofdifhonouring thegrace of Gods par- doningmercy ; as tofin in hopes of pardon , fo to fin after pardon : after God hath revealed this grace unto you ; then to fin , this is a great difhonour to this grace : Many that have been in trouble for their fins, and in their trouble have cryed toGod for mercy, and God hath fpoken peace to their fouls, and hath told them that their fins are pardoned , and that he will cleanfe their fouls from the guilt of fin by the blood of his own Son ; and yet after all this they have again fain to their former fins : I have fpoke before of this degree of difhonouring Gods pardoning grace but now I am fpeaking of a further degree ; not only to fall into that fin you have fought for pardon of, but to fall into that fin that you haveforce comfortable affurance of pardon of i King. z i. 9. The Lordwas angry with Solomon, becaufe his heart was turned from the Lord, that hadappeared to him twice ; re- member, hath not God appeared to force of you twice , and given you affurance of his love and pardoning grace ? God camewith fweet comforts and rejoyced your fouls ; and what do you turn from the Lord "after hé bath appeared twice to you, and Paid unto thee, thy fins are pardoned ? this is a grievous thin;>, Ezra 9. 14. Should we again break, thy Com mandemeuts ?---Wou1d'fl not than be angry with us,fhouldwea- 1 2 gain dl