Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

G4el l'Omßion. Thirdly; Tourfn is above the fn of the Devils ; the fin of the Devils is not fo great as yours is that live under the light of the Gofpel, and have the pardoning grace of God preach-, ed to you : for though the Devils blafpheme God continu- ally, yet their fins have not this aggravation upon them that yours have ;. God never came and told theta he was wil- ling to pardon their fins nor did Chriít make any purchafe for them by his blood but to you is the Gofpel preach'd , and pardon offered daily to you ; Are not your fins greater then,.than the fins of the Devils ? Would not you account it agreat aggravation of any ones offence, that hath wronged and injured you , aldd offerd aedoil to himonand lac to you rather feek to him, p r n to accept it, and he goes away and contemns you ; would not you account this a great aggravation ? know, thy finning a- gainft this grace, makes thee to be in a worfe condj.on than Belz.ebub himfelf, that is the chief of all the Devils he had never this aggravation , which is a dreadful one to fin againft the pardoning mercy cf God ; fo that the very Devils may complain againft you,and fay,OLordwe finned arainfl thee,but thou tookefl advantage againfi. rtis prefentlyfor onefin ; but how have thefe finned againfl thy pardoning mercy,that hats been offered to them again and again, which was never offered its ? Fourthly, dmight fhew you theevil the Scripture fags of it , take two or three Texts, Joh. 3. 18, 19. He that believeth not, is condemned already , and verf. -ult. He that believeth not, the wrath of Godabided) on him ; it flicks a upon all a one, and that place in Heb. 10. 29 If they finned der Ìvvlofes Law dted without mercy, who had but little of this ;grace revealed unto them ; How much forer punifhment fhall they have, that fin unçlcr the Gofpel, under the full revelation of this' grace? But to conclude all, there is nothing will be. fuck an aggravation of thy tOrments in Hell, as theft Sermons ofGods pardoning mercy, if thou go on in fin : When we [peak ofthe pardoning grace of God, we cannot do it with- out trembling hearts ; Why ? Becaufe we knowGodwill be ex- ceeding quick with thofe that have the grace of the Gofpel: preach'd- unto them : And therefore _When ewe come upon this aru-