Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

GoJpel Kerpnf sioya. 15l heart too ; God is mightily taken with it : when once thy fins are pardoned, then God makes thy heart melt to him as Its does to thee but the farrow of one that is an Enemy to God does not foften Gods heart ; there is a great deal of difference between the forrow of Gods Children, and the forrow of others ; they make forrow the ground of pardon , this God accepts not : 'tis true, youmay forrow for fin,be- caufe it may be a means to btiiiig you to Chrift ; but that that Juftifies the foul is Union with Chrift by Faith, and all that furrow that works Repentance to Salvation flows from Gods grace inChrift having Juftified you. Juftification is the firft thing that eftates thee in bleffednefs ; forrow does not firft< (late thee in a bleffed condition, but is meerly a fruit of that bleffednefs thou art Rated in :. certainly thefe things are the. Truths of God : fo that when you look for bleffednefs any, other way , you look for it meerly in a natural way, or as a Heathen may do ; aHeathen knows he ought not to offend God, and he knows he had need to have mercy from God, and that he Ought to be forrowful for his fins ; I might give. you many examples for it, but I mutt haften : thofe then that Peek after pardon of fin this way, dobut Peek for it meerly in a natural way. Secondly, Others fay, lamnot onlyfurryfor my fins, but 1_reform ;and is not this aground of pardon? Know likewife, that there may be a leaving of fin, and yet fin not pardoned.; for that rake the example of Herod, 'Lis Paid, He heard `folon Baptifi. gladly, and reformed in many things ; .he was a great deal the better. for "fghn's Miriliiry, and yet Herod was not pardoned ; this is a notable example for you that come to hear Sermons, and. feem to be much affected, let me ask you. in the Name of God, and let Confcience aafwer, What is it you reformed fince you heardall thofe Sermons of the Evil ofSin, and now of the Pardon of fin ? What Evils have you reformed in your families , and in . your own hearts ? I can- not but hope that many ofyou may fay, through grace thefe and thefe evils were in my family before, but now I have reformed them and thefe evils I did before, but now I have icft them .hope manycan fay fo,'..an4 bleífed be God ford this.