Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Go]Jel P emifsioia. all your troubles depend on nothing but the Word ; and therefore anfwer all with Scripture , when the Devil cafts temptations before thee bid him prove that thy eftate is not good from the Word , I have this out of the Word to prove it is fo , and thou haft nothing to the , contrary : in other things you will not be baffled , as in your Evidences for your Elates ; fuppofe a man come and lay claim unto it, although you cannot perhaps make out your title clear yet you will bid"him prove the contrary , and Phew what grounds he bath to lay claim to it ; 'tis not the clamours and talking of other even that will make you quit your hold , or fatisfie you that it was never,right:y yours : But let the Devil come and cla- mour againft your. fouls , andyou are ready to joyn with him, and fay, it is fo indeed, I am an hypocrite and I have no true grace nor fpiritual life , my fouls is under the curfe of the Law and dominion of Sin í}i11: how unworthydo you carry it to the bleffed Spirit of God , and all the grace and goodnefs of God that has been mani'.eíied and made known unto you concerning the pardonof your fins ? How unbefit- ting is it that on every clamour of Satan , and ftirring of corruptions in your own hearts, that you fhouid raze the foundation of all your comforts by calling all the work of God prefently intoqueftign ,?Many a poor creature that finds by Evidences out of theWord that their eftate is good , they go away chearful , but if the next day there be any ftirrings of corruption , they let all go , and raze the foundation of all their comforts : walk not fo unworthy of the grace of God, depend upon the Word, as for your troubles, fo for your corn`orts ; as you are not comforted with any thing but from what the Word of God (peaks to you, fa be dif- couragedwith nothing, but,where you find. the Word .of God againft The fifthRule is this, When at any time yott are pgt to feck,, your Evidences,and cannotfind them, the beft way is rather to renew than to#end time infindingof the bed ,: as fuppofe any man or woman be fearching out fuch Evidences for Salvati. on which they had before, and cannot find them ; it may be they areporing; upon their o c for filch and fnuchs C 19 3