Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Gyfiel. emion. 2 5 kindnefs from you ; Which of thefe is the greater incourage- inent ? certainly to a flavifh fpirit the one may be more than the other : But to a fpirit that may be fuppofed to have any inge- nuity in it, the later words mutt needs far more ingage him to walkwith God all his days. What, is Gods grace fo free ? that he fhould have fuch pitty on poor creatures, not only at their firft coming in, and caning themfelves on Christ, as to par- don all their fins, though they be never fo many and great ? but alto ft:ch a Covenant upon my coming in, that God will dif- charge all fins that (hall be committed fur time to come, though I be reÿdy to fail into fin daily, yet I fhall not come into con- demnation ? Owhat will fo infinitely ingage a gracious and ii,ge_ nuous fpirit as this does I furely nothing like this. Now if this be true, that man that is forgiven, is thus forgiven ; not only for time paf, but alfò fr time to cone : Then bleffed is the man whole tranfgreffions areforgiven, and whole iniquities are pardoned. Ofthe tenth Myf?erie, God pardóns a fìnner, not becaufe he is , but that he might be changed. 1o.The teritbMyft'erie is this (for I would endeavour to Phew you what a mighty work Pardon of Sin is , and raife up your hearts to have higher thoughts of it than ever you had before ) God does not pardon becaufe a inner bath his heart and nature changed, but that he might be changed. And thus the pardons of Goddiffer from all ocher pardons; a Prince pardons a Male- fac4or, or a Father a Child : but upon what terms ? a Prince ex- peas his Subject fhouldbe changed as far as he can difcern ; and a Father, ( though never fo tender) will not _pardon a Child, unlefs he come in and manifeft a change of his difobedient fpi- rit, and then he pardons. God cloth rot pardon becaufe we are changed ; but that we might be chanj d : his Pardon comes firft, Rom.4..5. a very ftrangeplace f. r this, and may iqcourage any poor foul that is troubled or fia. to come in Î ríd lay hold uponGods mercy inChriff; But to him that wokf,h not, but be- lieveth on him that juflifaeth the ungodly his faith is countedunto bin;for righteoufnefs. Mark, when God comes to juftifie a fin- E ner,