Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Goiet hvinfs:on. 5 3 tain evidcnce,that Godbathfet his loveon thee from all eternity ; it there were a chain let down .frrom Heaven, and thou couldit take hold- butof one link , it would certainly bring thee thi- ther,:both ends would come together. -Korn. 8. 30. hue's a chain of many links let down,* and if thou canft catch hold ofthe link ofJollification, thou maift certainly catch hold of Predeftina t.ion forall hang together : if Thouart inflifaed, then know for certain that thou art a preeieftinated man or woman ; whom God halt fet h :s heart upon from all eternity to dò thee good and this is á great happinefs for a poor creature, while lie livës in this wor!d,to know that God hath fet his heart upon him. from all .eternitiy ro do him good ; and indeed, we can never be at reft until we coin to th[s; ifthy heart be right, thou canif not be at reft in the enjoyment of fuch poor fare as God .calls to.Repro'_,ates, thou muff have other comforts than any thing the. world can afròrd if. thy. heart be right, thou wilt never reft until thou came to knowGods .-thoughts- in hiss eternal purpofes towards thee ., it is no riicetynor vain curiofity, for men and women to feek toknow what were the thoughts of God toward them from . all eternity ; it may be known, and God hath revealed. it , efpecially in the times of the Gofpel , God hath opened his bofome to reveal unto -his people. the thoughts he hadof them from all eternity ; and this makes a Par- doned firmer to be foblef 'ed and. this is more than any Málefa- âor can have from a Prince, 'he may be perfwaded .to pardon him ; and yet even prefently his heart may be as mthch fet againft him as againfl: any man : yet now having got his Pardon; he thinks himfelf bleffed, and goes his way : But now, when God pardons, . it is not an aft of a day, but fuch an ac`} as God bath fet his heart upon from all eternity to do it it is fuck an aft as the infinite wifdomof God hash been fet on work' from all eternity to effect it : if a Malef déor come to a Prince for pardon, and the Prince fay, I have been Petting my thoughts a work to pardon you, ever.nce I heardof your crime,t!tiswill bring force comfort : But what is this to the comfort God bxings to the foul that he pardons ? WhenGod comes-toa foul; he does not only pardon, he fayes not, foul I pardon. thee : but know oh foul for thy comfort, that this is a work that my H 3 wifdom