Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

5 4 Go el PeìnifSion. wifdor and the councils of my will,have been a contriving from all eternity, to bring about thy pardon with my own honour, and here it is for thee, take it as a fruit of my eternal Councils therefore Bleffed is the man whofe iniquities are forgiven, be- raufe filch purpoCes have been taken up in Gods eternal Councils to effect it. CHAP. VIL. OfPardoning Mercy, being a work that all the three Perfons in the Trinity are ingaged in. 7 Argu- pLeffed is the man whole Iniquities are forgiven, becaufe u ment. there is no one thing hath taken up the heart of God more than this ; fo this is a work that all the three Perfons in theTri- nity are ingaged in nothing more, God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft; as to inftance : I. For God the Father, in Ifa. 43. 25. he challengeth thisas his own glory, Ieven I am he that blotteth out thy tranfgreBons for my Namesfake, , and will not remember thy fins; it is his Prerogative, Iam he, God glories in it as a peculiar, belonging to none but himfeif, Exod.33.18. Mofes defired to fee the glory of God, and God promifed to make all his goodnefs pal before him : and Exod. 34. 6. he proclaimed, The Lord,the LordGod, merciful andgracious, longfuffering, and abundant in goodnefs and truth} eeping mercyfor thoufands ; and then to the point in hand,forgiving iniquity,tranfg re faon andfin,here's the gloryof .God ; Would you have a demonftration indeed,that Gods heart was fet upon this as the greateft work that ever was done? take ii in this, that thevery thoughts of effefing this by the death ofhis ,own Son,madeGodvery well pleas 'd& delighted withhis death; furely then his heart was much fet upon it ; for rather than he would not effect it, he would part with his own Son : Never was there fuch a hideous thingas the death of the Son of God ; and therefore iftherewere any delight to be taken in it, & that God .the Fatherlookdelight in it ; there muff be force great thing to fweeten