Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

00 the Nature of God. fo much as after thee? that would bee a good argument of a gracious work of God upon thee : Surely if none bee like unto the Lord, then out heartflould bee after nothing fo as after the Lord: Wee muff not content our felves with a little love to God ; Is there filch a difproportion between thy love to the creature, and thy love to God, as there isbe- tween God, and the creature ? Thou fayeli: thou loved God, I but it may bee thou loveff the creature a§ Welk Doeflthou think that this will fatisfie God ? When thou hearefl that Gods Name alone is excellent, God expets that thy love to h;m thould bee in a kinde infinite above that love of thine to any creature elfe. And there is this one thing further; with which I will con- clude, Sorely if Gods Name alone bee erseltent, the in A pro- portion gods people alone are the excellentpeople eepem the earth. According as a mans God is , fo is bee ; as you know men conceive their excellency to bee according to the excellency of him whomthey ferve; according as a mans God is (I fay) to is bee : Now if God alone bee excellent, and beebee thy God , then thou art excellent; the people of God are therefore excellent, becaufe their God is fo excellent ; this is the re,afon of that phrafe that you have in Prov. s i.26. The righteous as mere excellent than his neighbour : Why is a righteous man more excellent than his neighbour? It may bee the righteous man is a poor man , and his neighbour is a rich man , perhaps this poor good mans next neighbour is a Knight or a Noble-man , yet hee is more excellent than his neighbour : Why? becaufe his God is more excellent, becaufe the infinite Lord of heaven and earth is the portion of a righteous man : If God bee alone excellent, then the righteow is alone excellent ; and I will gite you a Scripture or two to'fkierV,that according to'the excellency of God, in a proportion loth appear the excellency of the children of Clod; compare ./ eut.j .and the z6. verfe, and the 29.verfe together In vertu 26.Thet i ;snow unto the God of 7efte- riem :. rhen,invere.i jtf4ppy afttheft O ¡fratel, who is like unto tike ?Yowfee thaethere is a refleaioia o£ the glory ofGod up- G z on Ufe. ?.