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recennng the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. 2 a9 that it was a matter of great moment. Now if it he .o,t hen there is great cause why we fhould fandifie Gods Name in Such an Ordinance as this is, and not toaccount it as a common and or- dinary thing. 3. We muft Sandifie Gods Name in this, liccaufe it is the Si- crament of our Communion with Chrift, wherein we come to have fuch a neer Union and Communion with him, as to eat his Flefh,and to drink his Blood, and to fit at his Table. Wecome to have Communion with Chrift even in all our Senfes : now Chrift coming fo fully to us, that cals upon us to fandifie hit Name when we come before him. 4. In this the Covenant of Grace is fealed, the Covenant Of Grace comes to be sealed inboth the parts of it ; now when we come to have todeal with God in the way of the Covenant of Grace, both to have the Seal on his pirt, and- the Seal on outs, firrely this muft needs call for a fanettfied ufe of fuch a thing as isfo holy as this is. And that's the fiat reafon why we ale to fanttifieGods NaMe in this, becaufe if we be in ordinary eating and drinking we muft do it, then in this, wherin there is fo much of God, wherein the Myfteries of Godlinefs are fee before us, -wherein there is fo much of the love of Chrift, wherein we are to have clofe Communion with Jefus Chrift , and wherein the Covenant ofGracecomes to be Sealed on both fides : there had need thereforebe fandifying of Gods Name in the ufe of it. Secondly, Confider.this; That there is no duty in al the Bode. of God that I knowof, that is urged with more flrengch and feve- rity than this is ; as Chic place in i Cor. i fheweth , whereyou have required of every one that comes to receive the Breadand Wine in the Lords Supper, That they fhould exatnin themfelves, and foeat and you have the mat dreadful expreflions againft thofe that do not do it, that I, know are mentioned, agaitA the neglett of-any Duty in al the Book of God - the holy Ghoft faith, That tvhofoever eats and drinks ro;re -I. e 10 roorthily, Fifa, he itguilty of the'Body andBlood ofCL rift and then secondly, be eats and drinks bit on damnation e Theme two expreffi- ons have as much dreadfulnefs in them as can be imagined, and we do not find an exhortation to a Du4(.backc with two fuch a our red Duty) as this fevere expreirions ( incafe we fhould nes). Y 2 exhor