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18 The right manner ofcliav,ingnigh Worfhip toGod through that creature, but in the ufe of that creaturewe do come to God, and our Souls are to tender up that refpat we owe to God immediately. Therefore in Levit. 21. 21. it is faid of the Melts in their Sacrifices, when they were to come toWorfhip God, 21Lo man that barb a blemifh ofthe feed of Aaron the (Prieftfbai come nigh to offer the Offeringf, of the Lord made by fire. So that when any come to offer any offerings of the Lord made by Fire, it appears he came nigh to God ; he came to bring a Prefent toGod, therefore he comes nigh. So when we come to offer our fpirituall Sacrifices unto God, we come nigh to God to offer, it's the offering ofa Sacrifice toGod. And that's the firft thing, becaufe the creature comes to bring a Prefent to God, therefore he is faid to draw nigh. And Secondly,- The foul is faid to draw nigh to God in holy duties; becaufe it doth prefent its feltbefore God in thofe waies throughwhich God doth ufe to communicate his choice, pre- cious, moll excellent and glorious mercies to his people ; I fay, whenwe come to worfhip God, we come to fet our (elves be- fore God in thofewaies that God cloth ufe to communicate the choice, roof( excellent and glorious rich mercies that he bath to communicate to his creature. When we have to deal with creatures, as meat anddrink, and our outward bufineffes we have to do with God in them ; but whenwe come to worfhip God, we come to prefent our felves before him in thofe things that he doth ufe to let out himfelf through in a more fpecial and glorious manner to the fouls of his people. What's the reafon why Heaven is faid to be the prefence ofGod, and why thofe that are in Heaven are faid to live with God ? There they behold the face ofGod and are be- fore him in a fpecial manner, therefore when Quiff teacheth us to pray, he teacheth us to lookup to Heaven, and to fay, Our Fatherwhichart inelleaven, &c. Nowcertainly the effential prefence of God is on Earth as truly and really as in Heaven, and God is not fo as to have one part in one place, and another in another, but All God is in every place, but the reafon whyGod is laid to be in Heaven, it is becaufe the Lord makes known him- felfthere in a more glorious manner than in any other place, and therefore Heaven is the prefence ofGod in a more fpeciall