Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

"' 8-8 ',i'• Mofcs hi4 Self-denittO. you come and looke up to God for mercy in your difirdfe, whenthecomfortsofthe creature ihall be gone, God may juf.Hy anfwer~if you bad fpent that abun~ance ofthe cr~ature that I affor· ded to you in my fervice, fort be good of my people, I would have heard you, -but no ·v it-is juft you iliould be lefc in your difirdfe, and that' fo much pleafure"as'yoit have had, fo,much mifery fhould folio~. · ~-· Doe ·n<~ t yoar hearts tremble at th~t "rcx·r, tCfJr~ 1. 2.6. Not many rich, nlt1iJttny noble? it is enough to make a mans earr to tremble when he hcares that of ' ...... menfewarefaved, but when falvation -~ is firaightned in a more narrow com- '· _ -p~fi~, and Go~ faith of foch tt fort fJ{ f •'·' ~en but few ,;this bath more power in it tQ lhike fear( ~ as if a corn pany in a '1·· ' .Church fhould mare. that bwt few of ' ' , ' them fhoiildgo out alive,it would ftrik ear tlto an~ but when tho!e who fit in t e(~liancclJ, tbal! heare; but few of d1o e:.tn~t' fir in tfte Chancell tlull goe :OUt alive, this firik~ feare into fuch who 1it tJiere.. As Iofott4,Whenfearch was · , made for A Cb41fa~ongfi: the Tri!Jes) he ' · . • : .. ·r · had