Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

wicked to a I(ing~takeQ Rtifoner of the. ,, ~ iAns who fuffer .himftill to,w~ ms cr:owp~~ ,a4 n~~~~J~£~pe ~)[th!s royall a par~ll,butye~force .him to perform a ·1 safe ofiices in his royall apparell~ · and with his crown upon his head,as to ' carry water, to grind in the mill, and drudgein the skullery, in whieb cafe his goodly ornaments doe .but Jerve . wj!h_more defpigh~ t~ P.Ut hi~ i~ IJ!i!Jd Q.lhis mifery ,ang themor,e ~o upbra~ef, ~nd_gftjn hi~ tceththe.greatneflC othis aiJ, and the b:tfe~eae of his fervjtudc ; ere coulCIQe~nq_thing could pucmore corae and CQO..t-'IDPt upon him t.ben ts.~ Thus whileft you are bravelyap-_ parcUed, gli~ering wherefoever you . goe, and weare the enfignes of honour upon you, the D:vill and your owne luis doe put you upon the bafeft fer. vices,the moftdithonourabl'e ePJploy. ·ments as can be; for fuch are the waies of fin, and all youroutward glory does but make you more vile and contcm• ptible, while you are under the fcrvi<! rude of your lulls. . Do not thinke you have more liberty to fin then others, your gr,eatnclfe cannot • t