Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

97 - loft in gr-eat part, Th~ which we read of Gelimcr King oLthe VtmdaUs was Paut.Diacji · l. 6.bijt. well, being taken captive by BeUizarim and brought to Iuflinian, whenhee fa~ the Emperour fer upon his tribu.. nall;e~nd the people fiandmg about hi~, he.cries out, ~.4nitieofvATJities,4U il va. nitie, bur it vyas more h.onourable .for Solomon, while he enjoyed the glory of his kingdome, yet then to cry out dms of all the glory of the .worlp, that ttU . .tra,· bttt v4nity. '· At~guj!U~ when he was to dye could acknowledg~ ai~ the pomp - . of th~ world to be but a fable, but D4. Se11eca. ep. vid while he liv(d could a(:knowledge }1 Jdmtauda all but as a dream e. Commend ~im,1 & imitare a, di.~~t_at~him,hies Se!JCC4-:. WllpjSJl()t 1::.:;~:~ft~ .1!.,nwtlhngJO ~lye \V.be_n heil]a,y ltve. d~ .. jt.f.'l;)ctvivere. ·Ji.g_,htfull c>- . As ir,i5-nothingfora . ~n / ..,. _ }hatisareafe,and e_njo esall ~omforts, · ,"'---•- ... ~.,.. abouditm to"li1s lj~;uts.deftre, -toen to : .. --Q';l>, tal~e of patience; and contentedne!f~,. ~,-,."1~-....,• and cheerfulndf~.i~,the harddt:, fqr~ .. tl~ _ " ~rrg-efi - affiic_hons that can befall · ~..-,--- . . . _pim:butwhenamanisinthedepth ol ~- · .: ~~ · them, E!.~~ed fore!yund,~tthem,o]pti- .... ~. .. -~ : nn!E~ in the_bicrernc:ffe of ihem, ..., ~ ~., . ~ · let now to reraine ~is fwect chearefillL » w ~ -·- "', · H / c,onrented '