Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

96 ~.1P6- he might have enjoyed all honours and deHghts to thefull, yet now hee denies hi£llfelfe in them an: it was when his parts wet~ iri the ripenetrc: and fuil fi:rength of them, yet nfJw bee refufes,' for fo the wordsin·thc origi~al.l imply all thefe, when ~ce came .to be great: from whence the obfervation is; . T h(1t · il u an honourable thihg for 013t _t~ deny him(elfe in thtprime 1j h;; ~~~e,,~en _ he l ~7· il in the mi~(t 4Nd h~ight ofthe enjoyment : 1[tht delights, horumn , andprs.ftts ofthe . w1rlti, even thes when cbe world prof- : fers whatfoever it hath t~ give conrent ! in, when the.world cou rts a man in all her braverie, and1>refents whatfoever ~s deftreable to flelh and bloud, yet then to be above all, to deny ones felf in all, . tobe ctucifjed to the world before the : W~rld Oe crucified tO US, then tO be CfU· Cifie(4 t~ al~to be crucified to the world, when we ~ay have full poffeffion of it, this is fo~ething i_ndeeq. Neceffitie takes·away the honour of· an aetion; to do a ,thing when we mull needs, when WC ar~ forced tO it whe. ther we will or no, thqugh the thing. b~ . , good wee doe, yet the honour of ;~~