Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes hti Selfi-denit~U. . xos ' full, are accounted as nothing, this argues a glorious work of grace, enlar.. ging the heart of a man. God brings it himfelfe as an argument of his owne greatnelfe,if4i_chap 4o. that AUtheNa· tio»softhee.tnhare41tt drop 1j' uc_- lut,4nJ tU 1t duft tJf the !Jttflttr~ce to him. So when all t·be braveries and ddi:~ hts of the world are to a foule but as a Utde J~eft, looked at as having but a drop of . comfort in them, .far from affording a., .nyg0od draughrofcomfort to qu ~nch tbethirfi:ofir; no,icmufl: havetheoce• -: an of all comfort to drink on,evenGod himfelfe,no lelfe then an i~fini te ·ocean· ofbleffedn effe will ferve che ru rne, for it to be fatisfied withall,and this argues afpirit great indeed ; and the truth is, let men thinke what they will, yet it is . moft certaine,.there are no men in the wor~d ofgreatfpirits,' butonelygodly men. , Thirdly,it,argues the p()!t1er ofgrace; 3 • to refill powerfuli temptatioasis pow. ~dull grace.lt was powerful grace that enabled Iu[tp~ eo refill: fuch a temptation as he bad from his Mi(tretre. Luther fayes, it was no Jeffe miracle to over-. come