Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofcs h4 S elft-JtniAU. . .. :I J 3 --~--~~--~----~~~-; ---- Ifyourea~through thewhdi~ . Boo' of God, yoti fhall finde that t~e p~ea~ . fures of p.rofper~ty have bee·n. the;'gtea.; ·' t.eft fnare, few of Gops fervants have · paffed through that condition .with{}ut ;· . ·dilbonour, but the [ell: ate of:tdverlitie : · hach ever proved m"oft fafe j fddome a.. .ny ofGods fervants,but have been bet- · tered by it. We read of Mano-a~ Exod. ' ; r 6. 2.1 • rhar it was melted-with rhe Sun j ~ :·but it could endure the heat of fire, for ; they baked Cakes ofjt: Thus it is with · I . many men, they are melted,manygood : things in them vanith ~nd come to no- ; : thing by the heat ofprofperity, whom · ·;the fire of adverficy cannot burr, but is : :.ufc-full co .them. · If aman hath over~~ the ~elights \; . · 9 e world bee bath overcome cbe ~reat binderance'in tge waies or'go.df- : . ' · ·nem ·the reat danger of A. p. a.. llafie that : . ich caufes fo man~ thopfands to fal, and t fi (tlke Go and his blelfcd -· waies :.' ; fu~h a .foule bath got 'over the J .greatftumbliggblock,atwhich fo ma..; ···) ~ny fl:umble, ~n4faiJ, and break them.· · _felves by ,Ezec/i.j·:,2Q.l wi!i.lay aj}Nm· , ·. 1hlingblock.,faiththeLoid. Y~Mbl~t~his · ! _ - .- . ,: I ~ore 1