Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

~ . ' I t I Mofeshti Selfe-deniall. Thetime of Habbakuk his proph ~cy , w.rts a tim " of 1nqch tr- ~b!e to th eChurch cf Go J, and th ~ n t!-J .! t wh ich upheld the fpiri<sofgodly men~ and en abltd th -m 'to fuffer hard rhi ~' gs., it was their ta'rh,chap. '1t·4·ThejNf!b:Jfai;b fba!t live, W~en Ot~~r mens fl.!ll"ltS {Q_ U f,lile~ ina (iok ..w,ddlc:Jn_th..m, tl ::nthty ilia] Iiv~,Yitb mal<ingjnft,.ilial llP_hoid 1 hem~­ Faith in thi.~ ea{{; is 11~s_corke~ that__is up-- on the nect, though the l e~de on the on-e ftdefinkes itdownc-,yet thecorke on the / . ·other keep~ it up in rhe water. David profeife~h in tk~ 27 Pfo/,~v. I 3· that he \ haJ fointed unlejfe hehad 6elecv!d. B~- le~ving keepcs from .fainting in tbf· times . of trouble. Saint Paultels the Cerimhi- . '[ 41U in the fecond Epiftle and the fi rft chap ~ cr, verfe.24· that hy foith they.flood: itisfoith tbat makcsamanlland in t1:a e greatefi: trials. And thcr~fore wnen Chrifi: faw how Peter ibould b~e rem':. I pted, he rels him that h~ had prayed, l that h~ j4ith fh~ttfd NOt foi/e : noting ttl'lt while hisj~ ith hdd, all would be~ iure; . when he beg2n eo fi ,1ck iq the waters, as he was comming ro Cbrift, it was becaufe Lis foith began to f.lile him= So when