Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes .' his Selfe-deni,!l. . I 37 ..__ __ In this chap•r,: r we h :lVe many excellent tfliits off~th , enabling the. W0rthies of the Lord to doe greJt thir.gs.; but [caret' any fogreat as thi4, to enable to tha.tfelfe-deny411 that h( re is rccord~d ofMofes. lt wa~foithth a,tcJrried Abra- , b4111Znd Jl the P i triark~Sthrough t~eir t ro ubhs~ David in :1Il his troubLs ex- , . ercifes hisfoith) and findes hdpe byit~ hence we h~lVt~ a moft remJr~abk place in the ~ 8 P{al. v. 2. where he bldfcth God fordeljverance from all his ene- · mid: he lliewes what it was .carried him ,..through alt-he troubles he had by them, namely hisfiith pitched upon God :for in char one · verfe he hath n'in'e fever all ~xprdfions, to lhew God to be the full objeCt of his fc~ith, in the times .of aH his di{beffes;as,Firfi-he is1ehovah.Second-· ly, heis myrockt~ ThJrdly,heismyfor- . trejfo. fo~rrh!y., h7is my deliverer. F•fth- . Iy,he iSmyGgd~Six~hly,heismyft~eng'th. Seventhly, heismy B~ckler. Ei fl htly,he is theh.'lrneofmyfalvatiorJ. Lall:ly, he is my highTower. And as he hath truHcd io hJtn, fo in the {ame verfe, he refo1ves totruftin himftiO: forfo hef2itb, my I God, my jlnngth,'in whom I wiUtrN}. · , · The '