Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes his Selft··deniall. intod(y lanJ, they wentthro#ghthe floodon , fe9t,theredid werrjtf}ctiY~them - the com... fort of the mercie~ of God for many ye.~ res paft to thetr forefathers, they make as rheirs, tbert did nuereJ~yce. So all the p omifes that God hath made to any ot hi~ people~~ hough never fo 1 Jog ~goe, /4ith h tches out the C-"Jo\fort ofchem, as if rhry Were made .~~w to us. Compare Iojb#a 1. J. with Hebrewes 13. 5. God faith to Iofbua, I will he with thee, I willnotfoile thee, nef for.. fake thee: now in the Hebrewes Sa.in lFaul ·a pplyech .it to the b ~ lee vers in his · time , ~s ifir had beene made to them. l!e content( faith qe) with fo,;/; things 111 ye ha'Ve. for,he hath f. id, IJviU nDt leave thee, nor forfoke thee. They might have anfwned, wh~reh 'th God faid fo? . ~e f3id ir indeed ~6 Jt;jbtta, but w~ .t.tis t~at ' o us ? yes, all one as if he h...·d to yen. Upon thi.s one infiance, whatfoever I promife God ever mJde to any of his p,·ople, fince the beginning of the :~~orld, for any good, if our cond!tiqn Ct\mesto be the fame, Faith will tnake it her owne, as ir God had but now-made it to us in particular. So for Gods former ISS