Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes hil Selfe-de»iall. mer dealings with our fel ves, when all fenfe of Gods mercies faile, that God icemes to be as an enemy, Faith will fetch life from his former mercies, as if t hrv wc:-re now prefent ~ as we fee irt . DAvid. , Pf41, 77. 5 ,6. I hav~ confidered th( Ja1es ofotd,th eyeere j tJfAncie»t time: I c.ll t~remembrance'IIJ Jongin the nighe, &c. And verf. 10. I (aid, thiJ is my inftr,!ity, lmt I JJJiO remtmber the yeeres n/ the right hU~d of the mofl High. He cheeks himfdf · for doubting ofGods mercies, becaufe of his former mercies, and he recovers .himfelfe by bringing to minde the former dealings of God with them: So Pfol. I4~·4f• Da'Vidsfpiritwaseveno- ' verwhelmed within him, and his heart \Vas defolate, yet he recovers himfelfe, :by remembring the dayes ~f eld, and by meditating upon Gods former workts. Now in this worke ofF ttith what abundance of firength d·~th it bring in :from all the mercies ofGod to our forefathers; from all the pro~n ifes made to any godly m~n, though never folong fince; from all Gods former dealiags in his goodndfe, and makc:s all thefe as pre1ent to us? this mull: needs wonderfully ·