Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

. Fides11011 timet faman.Tertul. ' \ eafe ; bafe joyes and delights in the . creature, in fatisfyingthe fldh; ~&e fears ot future evils that ma V come hereafter: Faith feares not hunger, faith T ert~llia11. Ifthe heart b ... e found, it \'V ill be fhong; - this purging of it makes it found, 2 Ti•. t 7• Gt~d hAth n1t given 114 t~e Jpirit of foare,fayestbe Apofile, bntofpower., 1( love, anda fot~nd adntle: the fpiritoff~are is firft purged out, and then rhere is a fpirit ofp<?wer,andafoundmipJe;where ·. there:is a fol:l;gd minde, there is a fpirit · of p1wer; what weakens the body but the unfoundneffe of it~ Ifdifiempered humors be in the body, 1tisnotableto r endure any thing ; a little cold, oh how tediou ·is it to it tt but when thefe humors are purgtd out, then it is thong and able to doe or fuffer much more. That which ill humors 1re to the bQdy, finne is to rh. foule, \1' hich being purged out,.the foul grows- ftron~ to rdift temptations, and to endure a ffitctions: But . funht:r, finne in the foule is not onely as an dl humour ro weaken it, but it woMndsit too; now how littlecana.man doe or fuffer wuh awounded member: · It is Fttith that hc:alcs our wounds~ by '-=----..!-ll -------""""l"""'r.·,___.__.ap~p~l:f::...i--:ng=--