Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

applying the Bloud ofChri~to dieili; and fo idl:rcngthens. , · · .' · . . . Fourthly, Faith is a'qilitltlliti'g gr.lice, it \ I ) + fetsall othergnces on worRe~ itpur.s. li.feand a'fivitie into them all; I Jivehy . the FAitb..oftht SonneofGod fa yes Saint · P~tul- ~, andef peciall y-,ic {ets lorve on ,wo r:k; which is a grace exceeding! y powerful~ FJith workes by love. lf·a m l nS fai~h be up, all his graces wiU bcdo too~ ahdif ·. ·..· . .. · ,that be downc-~- all dtnef graces are Ut viru alt_ weake'ariddowne wirhit. Gutie/rJim Pa- istapidi bru , , pretfn{i.r.. ; 1 ex. ri(ienfis reports of a Ch~yfi:all, that it tbtf!is (oto . .. hath fuch a venue, as when the yertne_s auaCJu fufcitaret. of other pretious Hories are _exti'ntt; it will revive ' the~ againe: Faith is fuc~ .a: C. brifiall. to revive the vertue of all gr.aces~ When Davids hear·t w'as fo1 I downe, tba't he chides himfeir Co much',.: P~/·43·5 Wliy arf~ho~ ~altdowne oh·..· my foule ~ he labors to recover himfelf by his Faith ;frill trull: in God; he is t~e . health of my countenance,•• ~'ri'd my I God. F ahb bri'ngs life," ano maintain~s life in d1e faule: for it' hath the m oft im· mediate onion wit~ G:hrifr~-,. -~na t}ler~­ fore the: li velindfe and aCtivity of ()Ut .. ..graces' depends· ri1uch' u·pori it , ,.t~b'w . : . •\ M 1: · wl:l~i~ l · ___.. -;{--"7·-----·..,;..· __..;;.,r~---" ....,................_....,,. ; I '. i