Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

·1 .7\8 ~ofes hil Selfe-denia/1. 1 Ab;~a in , :tJn"=,-~~~-~-.B- . -ut"':'"' . t"':.-h-:-is._,}_s_n_bt.....;.;;..th_e_w_a_y_o_£_G-od-; profundum, : ·we are to fta y ttll God ·call us to leave malte cupidi- l that we doe enjoy.; ontill that tim~ you u-tes,ego · , . •. . · h . ~ • I . vos me't'ganz, may en1,_oy your .rm~ur~ , your rt&hes, rreip(~mer-• • and . y~mr ~~derate la w~ull plut{ure's; ~:~;t:;,;u· ~JU~ td .~e abl~ tu ufe tHefe for G:cd, ~hi~ nee abjentia, 1s· a gre~t viCtory. The Devdl often fedv_igore a- makesufeofmany ofGods'good blef- ' nzmz,&con· fi . . · h" h h . · c c. h l ftantipr~£- 1ngs,. w !C .e gtves us 10r our 1Urt . e~ fentiaMa- 1 ranc;e 1:1 h1swate :,to be a meanes to hmcrob .!. 2 • der us: fo faith. makes ufe ofall his opsatn... pofitio?sin thofe waics, wh~ch he int . tend.; hu\deraJ).CeS~tO be meanes of~rea~ furtherance in them. In former times men ti1ought it a good piece ofskill, to kcepe wil'de beafts from·doing hurt; but I I ': I ' I after they ,got that skill ) not o'nel y fQ . keEpe them from that · i~tifchiefe. they did,' hut to make-ufe of rhem for t!1eir bendit to make ufe of their skim, and · their intraIs, and-divers o.her Wayes; this is the skilll·:>f foith in over coo;tmin g the world, to make uJe of thofe rhings of the world that heretofore ·havedone them f omach hurt~ · _ ~ But yC'C further,-there is a third \hing i.n vi~oty, which is triumph: ~ beleev~ r 1 can trmmph over t~e~ wodd~overall h1s_I aUurements and threats; As Chrifi did · l not