Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

M.ofes · bis :Selfe-de niall ~ 1.79 D;t~nely pre~aii ".' againe· his and OUt l enemies,but tri.. unphed over them like- : · wifejas CtJl. 2. 15 •· havingfpoittd pri11ci· palitits, a1Jti P'f!tr, he made a jhtw 1[ ther_n · openly, triumph~_ng over th<"'·' (1. Chrift . t~~Akes us to triumph ·.- M z CtJr. 2·• 4 I. Now ~ thankes ~ee to G1d, 'ft!hich •!w~ie~cAuftth tM ; to triumph in Chrift. 1 J\nd yet further, there is tOme thing i morethenal this •nfotths overcomming I · the world,whid is·beyond ourexpref-i ftons. By F t~ith we are more then Cl11querours, Rom.18. 37· ·· In.all thefethingswee are more then !:onquerours, in what ,rhings 't in trihulation,in perftcutitm, in fa- , Imine, in nake~14Jffe' and eeriO of fwtJrd, .. mhile we Are killed aU the da7long, a11d 11&- cllmtttl 111 jhetpfor thejlaughter:in ·all thefe things. '.Bu·t how m1re then c1nquer1urs .? wee: iatherftrength ~your oppofition·, weconquer in being conquered: P~rfecutors are tyred more tn ,inflitting, Abipfodu.. then we in fuffetin~. Eu~him reports \ ~=~~=­ ofthe tormenters of BlaJtJdtnd, who tor..o ferro. mente~herby rurncs, from_ morning to B~~b.;ib. ~ night, ·that they fainted for t.:Vearineife, s. lt· ·• confeffing themfelves overcome."~ And Gregory N A'{!anzen tds of one o.fche nol blcs