Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

{ .1.81 ~--------------· ~~ world t can. irfarisfi~ yootf0ufe$ \with i God alo.ne, as..~n infiniremU.{uffid~nt ' ·good! Surely1 ap'redou$·fairb, that is, : tll~'FJlith cf Gods alect d·oth'this. ·. . · · · . FJr~, F a~.th ha_tb ~ ~i . hty po~er of · (;od put forth for tn~working of it iQ : · t~efoule: lt is Jtft ex~e~~ng gr.eatncffe ofGods ·power, ~he Wf!1ellhi1Dt"Aifori1e- (H4)~hrift.from:~~dilkl, that wdt~esfiit~ w""herefoeve.r ~1t; ts '; and GO<j. 'does· 110t t!rerro· puc f~1".m_his·" 'J\lm!~hty.lpowe~~ in ·any extraorthn:Iry ·manrfe{1' for · tht w5:Yrking of an ot~inar~· thi~g ~ ~tller.ii; fore /ilith muft JneeHes be-fome tXtraUt:- · · din~rY. thing! a~d have fome ex~r~ordi- ; nary ve'titue lti tt1; .wherefocver lt'JS true,: to.~poegreatt~~~:~ ·· :. ~ . ." · .'· · .. < , Sec.on~ly, Fa1t~ h~th. thegreat~ bo~ n,our:· abo~e all: bthe-t graces , to be t~e con~it~~~ ~ftbef!conllF~ve»ant; thcr~f~re, fur-ely 1t ts· f~e· grtat ma~r~r thatfAJtiJ en~blc:s to doe·; ·wharfocv~r keeps c~ve .. ,nant w~~h. ~od, brings firength, rhough it felfe·be n~v:et fo weake: As' s~mp{if!s HAire, ·what1s weaker the'na little haire,, yet becaufe the~ keeping that, w&s keep.- ing cov~nanfwith God therefo~e cv~n a little HAire \Yas fo I great fircngth1to· . ' ' ' . ' ' .. ' ~ IIT»Pfo• . ' I t I I .