Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

;. 4· ... \ i : S•p(-Eaim th~n that is the cott dition ofthe-covenant ,in ., hicb .Jll grace and mercy i-~ co:ntillaed, if it be kept, it will cau!e ftrengdi imdeea· to doe grc;a;t · things. , 1. , , 1 • . . : . · :'< Thirdly;.. F'iSithbadt.high and glori:. ous.~thingsfoJ5it.Jobje4"; ic is God himfclfe_, .his;(tletting, redeeming love, 'the: Lord Jefus ~hrtft in.his .nar~res ·and of- · ices, tht glorious myA:edes of redem~ p:-ion, &~~t tha~i '" txercifes ir felfeupon: ~~ could not have to d'eale wi~ h thefe things, ifit were nota m0ft excellent · : grace~ full of ad.nirable,yertue and cffi1 cacie. · _ :· ~ , .. ,. ,' .~~· ... fourthly, -FA#h hathbighandglori- ; "ou~ a ~s that it performes)that are dfen- , , · .tiall .to ·it, '\ t! --· .. _ .. . · . -~,; Fifthly, it ·hath many glorJous:effelb ~ it is that which muft carry .~))e ~.!o~le through all hazards, ~ difficlilt-i~s, _ and oppalitinns to ecernalUife.. .. Su~ely then this grace- ha~)l exceeding; great·things in it: certa~nl y the wqrld is miftakenlnthis grace; Itisfomething elfeth:n they ha.ve t~k<.n. u.p fot: /4#hall 1 thi$ wbile \ for there is nothing more dull,flat and dead, the~ that which they . : ~a~~ < ~ ' r