Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

rake for Faith; their hope in God, and ·.. trufiing in.God,what empry, heardeffe~, ' ~ ·liveletle things are they -: Nomarvell · 1 though they thinke it an eafic ttling to bdee\'e ~ lt is ea fie indeed tiJ bdeeve . wit h fuch a kind ofbeliefe as theirs is: Truly we had need' looketoic, that we be not mifiaken in our Faith; for it is of infinite confeq,uence,upon which all de;. pends: if we be miftaken in this, all the\ mercy in God, all the bloud of Chrift~ all the good in the promties can doe nothing for us. Confider therefore again, furel y that cannot be right foith, th : t cannot doe that which the light of nature can doe, that meere civility and morality can ·doe : .~uppofe it did as much as they can doe, yet1fircandoe nomore, itisnot right,,it is not that preciDIII [llith chat will {ave the foule. Suppafe a ftmple man · fhould gt ta fi:one, and tl:rike fire with it ,and he ~ concludes, furely this is ·come precious fione, becaufe nre is fiticken .ot.J t ot it, why ! every flint, every ordinary fi:one chat lies in the fireet,will doe .asmuchas tbts : fo if aman fhould think furely he bath that preci1m fo#h,bccaufe · · he