Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

I . Mofes his Se/f~~tieniail. __ I w her~ i~eie are but naturall Principles; there tt 1s not to be expeCted that Na-· rure mould bedepy'e-d, whenany great thing comes cro1fe unro ic·. . · . ..... .- .' . Many who arc weake, arc dif~oura~ ged , .'-'.hen th-ey fe~ _!Tieri of eminen~. parr~, fuch who have br.en forward in profeffioo ; fuch as WFrt', able to_ pray~­ and .eo fpeake adm.iraoly of Divine th ings ; filch as wer~ ~bl~ to advife, ~nd givecounfdl untoorherss fpch as . were o(high elleem in the Chu'rch .of God ; y~a, P reac.hers , .who have been very eminent' by whom the hearts of r:nany have been much rdrdhed: when fuch in t he time of tryali lhall(all off, and bafdy yedd to the W~rld, batraying the Caufe of God) rath~r then ~. hey w i 1 fuffer troub!e i Upon this, rliofe that are weak th'ink with: themJei vr~ , what fhall become of me then' a: poo't,e crearure, who have not the hundreth par.t of thofe abilities that Juca .nad ~ Surely I fhall never hold our. . ~th;is - temptationmany times is:tlrong, it ?atp ahvayes been the w~y ofthe, enemie~of . Truth tQ -come with this argument to ; thofe who are weak s SH,handfochhave 1 1 N z yeelded, · i89 Llp{wmajo·• rum, :trerrlor iitinorum. (