Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

. - M ofes /;u Stlfe~tiefJillll. a~counttd the fonnes of the ever living {?oc.L r ' ' .J C H -~ 'P • 1{., rr I I lfow externaU-Nd,our ttnd Jyokility is : to be de,nieJ. · -· ( ·' 12!!_eft I : V\·; 1 Herein 'riiufl: thofe Wh(i) are ·, ·· ·<··: . ' hi~herthen orhers in tl1ltir n6. : · .. 'Pilitle· of birth 'deny theq1fe!lve~) and ; · · i."duf~the hnnour ot it? 1 • • • , ;. 4.nfw. ~. .. ' ~ir~,pfb:eing' willtng to be- employ- , .~ ~' ·J ·~pirr'an ·y,evefl thep"ttantllfen,iccrhat : __ .. ·'G.oH cailsrhem to ; we'·mnfi rh111k no .t;~wulft o.. : \vor~~ of God to~· m~ane for us, btJt ~';:/{;~;,. willingI y f!lb~i'c to "ir, t11Pugh 'triiarkc-n pt{f~f/Ud:ra: 0Uf'hon'oursndvt'r f.o ·mudf lff theeieS; ' iFfir··~*~" of the world. Thus ·"' Hitrbm wri•es ro ~,· portes; · l:gn4 , · . . · •..: . . coilcidM1fo~ ~amachuu, a godly voung ·noble man, . cumCJ;ttfu¥, he wol1k!'have him be t·tes ro-thc- blind, .ztbi_ -.Ji?t~ul,h ~hands to rhe \Veak · fe:e£ to the lame yta uf?.i44P~ t;L:- • • l ? bifPI,Jt4, ub~ 1f need were to carry warer, ana cur fl.tg_cJI,a,. !tiJt ' wood.&c. Ancl \vhar art all rheCt(laies pttttbulum, h.. ·;. £c . · r. .' . · l . ubimrJrs. e) to Ollrrctings, ro tfWttngs, tow llp- . Ep.adPa- pings, and ro drarh. Conflantit'lm, ra. ttzfich . 1 · · • h J.,r; h E · I Ya(a/tv; Jtnttntan6Js, T ~a~tus, t rt't •mp : rou~s, Cbri1'1i· (~~l(:d thtmfdves the Vafials (j)~ Jc~ US L • , • • · ·_:.. __ · · · · Chnll,