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him;his childrc:n.hung about him with . dolefull cries, his friends fianding by with watry eyes, which fo wrought upon bis tender heard he being of a moi loving and iwecrdilpofition)thar,as he bath often faid, hetho~ght that all his bowd~ rouled about within him, and that his heart would have burft prcfrntly,and he fh.ould there iniautly have dyed: but hedenic:d himfclf in all, and chofe rather to live in amean condition where he might enioy God, and the peace ofhisconfcience, then .to have the riches, glory, .pleafurcs of li4!J ,and of che Emperours Court. The Hifiory of the Lord Cl~~~~~-, thatwehavein thebor~ kof.M_,rtJrs,is · famous iri this kind : he was a man of great birth, and in great favour with · King Ht11ry the fifth, fo as the Archbifuop Thlm111 AlrNIIde_ll, dutll not meddle with him till he knew the Kings mind: the King when he heard of ir, bad them have ref pctt to his noble fiock,and promifed to deal with him him le] f. & after he privately fent for hilil, adm~dilhing him fc:cretlybetw~en rhemfelvs,tofubmit to his holy mother the Church : unto