Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

,. 'I I I Mofes his Seife-defJya/1. ( 35 . . nowall is gone;ever fince ;·uch a fonnes time aUts gone, and th-ings are turned another way. It is a bldfed thing to ·have 'the glorious name of God kept ' ' up in fucc~: ffion inafarnily, P~trn. 71-. · ~ 7. we have a prophdie that the name of Chri!t fh~ ll contitu~e from generation to generation: the words are filiabi- , tllr nQmenej~s,it lhall be childed,lhall be .begotten from one to another ; the lirieall defcent of C hrifts narne, is more honourable then the lineall defcent of nobl e:- blood. Plinie rels us ·chat it was accounted a great honour, . e.ve;n the height offel ic,ity, that in oneboufeand race of the r urios, there were known ~o be three e.l{cellent Oratou.rs,one after an.. other' by de[ceiu from the father to the fon, and that the , Fahii affi1rded three · prefidents ofthe$ enat in courfe, one;itnmediatdy fucceecHng the other: if this fucceffion ~e fo hqnourable, {o happy, how honourable, how happy doth the fucceffi (,n of re_ligion make families to be '? We ~1 I or~, in our ancefiors, let our antefiorsbc maclr glorious in us: It lS het' e~, fair.s Chrjfojlom, that our parenr§ lh ,•uld glory iaus,"thenthat weiliould D i ·.. ..-: glory P/in.lib.7. _ fap.Jit. &:elitu eft ut-in te glo- · rientur p<t- , , rentes, quam ut tii in f'arentibru gto:..' rieris. Cbry{.· inMtt.-i.