Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

. " I I I ' I M ofes ha' S eife-deni ~it. in his time• .Hee who was comem to · 'deny the title ofthe ion ne of Pharaohs d4ughtet1 , had after ,that great ~nd high titlt:sputl(}ponhimeven by ~od himfelfe, to be called Pharaohs Sod, Exod. 7· 1. be~aufe ofthat fearc o ;· him~ chat was R:ruckinto Phar4tJhs heart, andthe power he had to execute judgemtnts upon PharAoh and his .people: ·God fpake with him face to tace; as a man fpeaks to his friend ~ God \Vroughr .. wonderfo.ll things by him, and Qude him the Princ'eand leaderofhis people, and that was agreater honour ~hen Jny he could.have had in PharoAhs Court. ' Oh therefore let it n~t b~ {aid of y.ou, w~en God bath any fpeciall ie rvicc: to doe as it was ofrhofe N·ooks ia Ne h. 3·S. But the nobles put not 'their necks to the work ()/the t.ord. It is true,the Scriprure faies, that there are nor many rich, not many noble that are ca!led,and evtry generation find,cs the experience of it, but the more rare,the., nioreJH~nbrable, in thofe·who doe 'givt up 't11emfdvcs to the honour of God, ·upon ~ho(tn they ,their hbnou1s, and 'all their goo~s ~ef~~d~ Doe not ftaine the ' n·oble- , · · -- · ne(fe