Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

54 _;::,......- . / . Mofes kiJ $elfe-cle~ia!l, a·~~ to put thrmfdves into a flight. \Ne thinke whe'n wee nre called to ~knie fuch nchts, ple<tfiues, apd ho- ~ours, ~hat tbtn we a recalled to deny · fo~.e gr~at thing; b~t the tn,rh is, had wean de todifcern thevanity ot them, we iliou ld fee thl~ we are .~a lltd to deny pothing ~ut a mt"cr hm~y~ a rhing of " pought,and~rhatwhichisrzot. Oh .that rh~.· glory ot the WC?rld were da :-kn:~d in our eyes,as one day it ql:tllbe,tha:c it mt~'.ht not bF!c in dt;tr~ unto us, ~s to tbu:;ke it hrch a great mar.ter to p:arake will1 any thing in ir, in the cau!e of kfus Ch rift. Riches arc too mc:ln things f(>r anul y nvble 1piric to be taken with all af gtneroufnef~ of f. piritcannO( raife above rnony, where is the glory of ir. /:..rtther profdft rh th ar r! ;e fin of cove, tou{iitffe, he {3w~ b~c.~ and vile, and his fpirit was fo abo,:e ir-, rhat be was not [o-much as tempred wi1h it. Tba.t which is obfervc:J of lofbua. ~-=:rm::;~ ...... ~m""'a~l{r.ooes-· lu;;;·· a ;;lor.. ;oE~~xa-:.~w)~ to ~a i areat men•. He was the d1viderof'ilie ........,.......:-:n tO' / raet,andk tnone tO rumfelre; anc't :u: · I!~ifi~n eh a~ w~1s gwerin1m an ne COntente~ Wltha ~' \VaS but a mean