Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes hil Selfi-tieNi~l. _ ,~- ches,and ountard glory,rhinking himfelf the happieft man that lived, he faid , unto him, none w.-tl he CDNnteel b4fPJ ~~­ fore dett.th : intending h~reby t~ adm~- nifh him of the uncertatnty of thofe n.. ches ~ in which he bldlhimfdf fomuch, and would 'have him confider, thatbtfore the end of his daies there might bee agreat change in hiscondition:,but hec while he en;oyecl his outward profperitie, minded not at all w, h~t S1lon had faid unto him, Untlll he came~byhis miferahle experience to finde the uncer- ·· taintie of his riches, andaUtbat worlelly glory that he ha~, and then he could remember ~1/tmsJpeech untq him J . for when be w11s t -1 ken by King CJr•s, and condemned to bee burnt, and-fa w _the fire prepariag for him, then heecrycd ot.u, o SoiDn) Sal1n : cyrus a· king hi m the eau le of that outcry' hee anf wered ; that no\v hee re_ntembred what S1/m had told him in hJs _profpedty , Th111 n1ne wM tiJ !lee lltt~HnterJ_ httppie ~efort death. Thus wee llitve many, who htare much .of the uncertaiaety, and vanity· ofchetr outward honours,{cnfuall plcafures,