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appeareforir. I have read, tbaramong the Perfiam, the ltfr hand is accoonred ·the \lllO,re honourable place .. Xenophon reports of, ryrus,that thqfe whom hee honoured m-oft, hee placed at his left hand, upon rhis ground, b~cau{e it was 1noft fubject to danger, he -would have thofe who were m oft honourable, ro Hand by him there where he was ID(~!t weake and 1 yJhle to danger. · Thus wberethe caufc ot ,G:1(l is moft: oppokd, and mofi like to f!.!ffer, the~e God would have the moft noble fpirits _ to fiand, and to appeare in that; and to doe this 1s nuely honoutable indeed. Who knows whaher you he raifed for fi1ch a nm-- as this~ who knowes whether yvu hav~ been prc;ferved from fuch · a d fuch dangers that you have been in, tbar ·ou might be tefo ved as a publike bldfi~ :~ tor the Chu.:ch of God and your Countr<:y? I have read of Philip King of Spaine, going from the LowCountries into Sp~ine by Sea,the re fdl a grievous fiorme, in which aimoft all tb-t Flret was wrackcd, many mtn loft, and him[dfe Iurd !y efcaped, he ftid he was ' ddivered by the !ingu-lar provi. .,_ , . dence 1